Training and supervision
I am an ICEEFT certified supervisor since 2016, which means that my supervisions are recognized by ICEEFT as validated for the certification pathway. However, these do not count towards obtaining the title of Psychotherapist in Switzerland.
In 2018, I obtained the title of ICEEFT Trainer. This allows me to teach the officially recognized ICEEFT trainings, which are part of the curriculum to obtain the title of Certified EFT Therapist. I also manage the Centre EFT Suisse Romande which organizes the trainings officially affiliated to ICEEFT. Information about these trainings can be found at
I am available to give training days on EFT, Adult Attachment, or other topics related to couple therapy. I have had the opportunity to speak in different contexts such as the Salvation Army, Youth with a Mission, the University of Lausanne, the Haute Ecole de Travail Social in Geneva, the MAS in Systemic Psychotherapy in Lausanne, and various programs for couples, in which I was a speaker.